
Vazhakkai Bajji| Raw Banana Fritters

Vazhakkai Bajji|Raw Banana Fritters

Vazhakkai Bajji|Raw Banana Fritters is a famous street food in South India. You will find it every roadside tea/coffee shops in the evenings, served hot and spicy. This recipe will help you make this easy evening snack with ingredients that you might already have in your pantry. These days you […]

Sweet Coconut Dumplings|Sweet Bonda

Sweet Coconut Dumplings|Sweet Bonda is a very simple Indian snack recipe. You can make this any day as all the ingredients required to make this dish are pantry staples like all purpose flour, sugar, and coconut. I remember having this snack on weekends with my cousins while watching cricket matches […]

Paneer Bhurji Recipe

Paneer bhurji is a very versatile dish. It can be had with chappathis/rotis as a side dish or by itself as a snack. Paneer Bhurji Recipe is very easy to make, that my cousin (studying 10th grade), borrowed this recipe from me for a cooking competition in his school! When […]

Mango Lassi- Indian style mango drink

Well, its officially summer in India, apart from showering like 10 times a day to beat the heat, it is also time to enjoy King of fruits- Mangoes! Indian summer is very hot and humid and you need to keep yourself hydrated. Apart from drinking a lot of water, we […]

Javarisi Paayasam|Sabudana Kheer Recipe

Javarisi Paayasam|Sabudana Kheer Recipe is basically an Indian-style creamy pudding. It is usually served after a meal as a dessert. Paayasam does not necessarily have to be a dessert. My mom has such a sweet tooth, that she has the left over kheer for breakfast the next morning! It is […]

Onion Fritters/ Onion Pakoda Recipe

In India, whenever we have guests visit us at home, it is a tradition to serve something sweet, something savory and something hot to drink. Kesari (an Indian sweet/snack) and onion fritters are the most commonly served snacks along with a cup of hot tea or coffee. It is also […]

Kesari- Indian Sweet Recipe

Kesari is a very popular Indian sweet/snack and it is my all time favorite! Once a week, time of the day never mattered to me, I would totally pester my mom to make me Kesari; and with in 20 minutes or so I would have my own bowl of vibrant […]